Our Services

Support Coordination -

Navigating Support, Empowering You

At Nineveh Care, we understand that navigating the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) and accessing support services can be complex. Our Support Coordination services are designed to guide and empower you through this process, ensuring you receive the best possible support tailored to your needs.

Our Support Coordination services include:

  • NDIS Application Assistance: We assist you with the NDIS application process, helping you understand eligibility requirements and gathering necessary documentation.

  • Connecting with Service Providers: We connect you with a network of trusted service providers and coordinate services that best meet your individual goals and preferences whilst adhering to your NDIS Plan budget.

  • Advocacy and Support: We advocate for your rights and preferences within the NDIS system, ensuring you receive the supports and services you deserve.

  • Monitoring and Review: We regularly review your NDIS plan to ensure it continues to meet your evolving needs and make adjustments as necessary.

Our experienced Support Coordinators are dedicated to providing personalised support, empowering you to make informed decisions and achieve your goals. We are committed to ensuring your journey through the NDIS is as smooth and effective as possible.

Call us on (02) 7813 0242