Ensuring Participant Safety: Participant Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)

At Nineveh Care, we prioritise the safety and wellbeing of our participants through personalised Participant Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs). Each PEEP is meticulously crafted by our experienced management team to cater to the unique needs of every participant. Here’s how we ensure comprehensive care during emergencies:

What is a PEEP? A PEEP is a tailored plan that includes essential details such as participant information, emergency contacts, disability profiles, medical conditions, communication preferences, and allergies/medications. This comprehensive document serves as a vital resource during emergency situations.

Emergency Procedures Covered: Our PEEPs outline clear and effective procedures for various emergency scenarios, including:

  • Medical Emergencies: Guidance on immediate medical response and contacting emergency services.

  • Intruder Procedures: Steps to ensure participant safety during security breaches.

  • Evacuation Procedures: Detailed evacuation routes, muster points, and alternative shelter options for fires, gas leaks, and floods.

Safety Assurance: The emergency action plan within each PEEP provides step-by-step instructions on how to guide participants safely through emergencies. This includes ensuring their swift evacuation to designated safe areas and alternative shelter arrangements when necessary.

Tailored Support: We understand that every participant has unique needs. That’s why our PEEPs are not just generic templates but personalised plans designed to meet individual requirements, ensuring comfort, safety, and peace of mind for all involved.

Contact Us:

Interested in learning more about our services or have a referral? Contact Nineveh Care today! Our dedicated team is here to provide you with more information and discuss how we can support your specific needs.

At Nineveh Care, our commitment to participant safety extends beyond routine care to comprehensive emergency preparedness.


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